
56 years of existence & charity

Way back in 1956, a group of housewives decided to engage in the social cause of women & children in their neighborhood. It was the time of strong nationalism and they named the organization Kasturba wife of their favorite hero Mahatma Gandhi the father of our nation. Post independence was a trying time for the poorer sections with challenging medical care, low wages. Into this turmoil, these brave and committed group entered with resilience and care.

They distributed milk powder and bread which came from abroad. They gathered in their own courtyards as makeshift centre for distribution. In the early sixties, Kasturba held social theatre to educate the illiterate. They kept musical evenings with songs of national spirit. They pulled in all string through their effluent and politically powerful families. Kasturba was their legitimate answer to the children of a lesser God.

As years moved on Sri P C Cherian MLA laid the foundation for the present centre in 1963. Mrs PC Cherian Padinjarekara, Mrs K M Mathew Kandathil, Mrs K O Kuriyan Kandathil, Mrs K M Joseph Kozhappakulam, Mrs James Makkil, Mrs Valsa George Maliackal & Mrs Gracy Cherian Madukkanil were the first committee behind registering the same as a charitable society (A society registered under the Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act 1955). Mrs Gracy Cherian gave the land for the present centre in 1962 and the building was done in 1963.

No government funds were availed. But the activities were hugely from the cooking classes and cookery books the committee members held and sold. A self sufficient unit, Kasturba always relied on itself for its charitable functions. Locals in and around the centre, recognized their work and slowly started contributing to the cause. As their cause gathered momentum, it became an epitome of good service by honest women, which promoted many to contribute towards its various charitable programs.

1) To foster mutual assistance and fellow feeling
2) To support the girl child
3) To rehab the young widows and single mothers
4) To understand the loneliness and poverty of aged women in the society
5) To make the immediate world a better place.

Today, after 57 years Kasturba is still a place where women are respected, listened to and supported. We believe in empowering women who are financially challenged, and widening their horizon. We educate them with training camps and professional counseling. We teach them to be proud to be a woman and stand by their values. Medical camps, ensure the health of its inmates. Social commitments are never a pastime its every ones responsibility as fellow beings on this planet.